Thursday, 25 September 2014

Hand shaking-Daniels practical

Daniel's practical

First off to start our practical session with Daniel off we began by choosing someone in the room and shaking their hand and getting into a position whether it be simple or a mixing contrast between different levels. We done this exercise with three different partners all doing different positions using different levels but making sure we still had contact through our hands being joined together through the hand shake. 
The next thing we did was we partnered up again with our first partners and we both stood opposite each other on different sides of the room. What Daniel had us do during this piece to make it differ to us just getting straight into our positions was to walk slowly to the center of the room until we were stood very close facing our partners, circle around them giving them a slightly intense look and then walk away not looking at them. Afterwards Daniel changed it up by having us walk into the center of the room until we were closely facing our partners again, circle each other without the intense look and then walk away but slowly turning around as we walked away and then once we got close to our beginning positions at the opposite sides of the room then we would quickly turn around and meet each other in the center again and get into our position very sharply. 
We then added music to create intensity in the piece and we then interpreted the positions we made with our other two partners too and we done this by quickly and sharply moving to the places in the room where we had originally done the positions with each partner and eventually one the music was added it began to look like a good conflict piece.

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